Friday, January 7, 2011

Columbus Film Guild Welcomes the Best Movie Compilation of 2010

The Columbus Film Guild nails the latest in film again!

Thanks to Juan for telling us about "Filmography 2010."  A perfect compilation of movies from 2010, it's a g-whiz production, and it's a gas!  And you don't need all year to watch this 6 minute YouTube video featuring clips from 270 movies, giving you many of the best and most memorable scenes.  A great game around our house is trying to name either the film or actor before it changes to the next one.   The music and films flow beautifully.  A very professional job.  And I hear g-whiz is actually a lone woman from Canada.  This video could truly be used at the Oscars. And now I spend time trying to figure out what films of 2010 she did not include that I wished she had.   We at the Columbus Film Guild hope to see more from g-whiz productions.

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